
Fiwi links
Fiwi links

  • Li Z., Wang Q., and Zou H., “ QoE-aware video multicast mechanism in fiber-wireless access networks,” IEEE Access, vol.
  • Zhang H., Hu Y., Wang R., Li Z., Zhang P., and Xu R., “ Energy-efficient frame aggregation scheme in IoT over fiber-wireless networks,” IEEE Internet Things J., vol.
  • A., “ Resource allocation in solar-powered FiWi networks,” IEEE Access, vol.
  • Gupta A., Srivastava A., and Bohara V.
  • A., and Srivastava A., “ Performance evaluation of integrated XG-PON and IEEE 802.11ac based EDCA networks,” in Proc. et al., “ Resource allocation and QoS guarantees for real world IP traffic in integrated XG-PON and IEEE802.11e EDCA networks,” IEEE Access, vol.
  • IEEE Standard For Ethernet Amendment 9: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters For 25 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s Passive Optical Networks, IEEE Standard 802.3ca-2020 (Amendment to IEEE Standard 802.3–2018 as amended by IEEE Standard 802.3cb- 2018, IEEE Standard 802.3bt2018, IEEE Standard 802.3cd2018, IEEE Standard 802.3cn2019, IEEE Standard 802.3cg2019, IEEE Standard 802.3cq2020, IEEE Standard 802.3cm2020, and IEEE Standard 802.3ch2020), pp.
  • “ IEEE 802.3 Industry Connections Feasibility Assessment for the Next Generation of EPON.” Mar.
  • IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Specific Requirements–Part 3: CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment 1: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters For 10 Gb/s Passive Optical Networks, IEEE Standard 802.3av-2009 Sep.
  • IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Part 3: CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment: Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers, and Management Parameters for Subscriber Access Networks, IEEE Standard 802.3ah-2004, Sep.
  • Union, Geneva, Switzerland, ITU-Recommendation G.989.1, Mar.

    “ Series G: Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks: 40-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (NG-PON2): General requirements,”.Union, Geneva, Switzerland, ITU-Recommendation G.9807.1, Jun. “ Series G: Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks, 10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network (XGS-PON),”.“ Series G: Transmission coverage (TC) specifications-release2, 10-Gigabit-capable passive optical network (XG-PON),”.

    fiwi links

    Union, Geneva, Switzerland, ITU-Recommendation G.987.3, Jan. “ Series G: Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks, Gigabit-capable passive optical network (G-PON),”.It has also been observed that location with high renewable energy sources contributes to a significant reduction in the number of PV panels and batteries requirement and, therefore, has lower cost and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The results show a good agreement between the analytical and the proposed approach.

    fiwi links

    Further, a socio-economic analysis and trade-off analysis between allocation efficiency and cost is also presented. An analytical framework is derived to justify the accuracy of the proposed joint energy resource allocation framework. Consequently, we propose a joint energy resource allocation framework to minimize the number of PV panels and batteries required by ONU-AP based on its location as well as throughput requirement of the users. Depending on the availability of renewable power at different locations, the energy resources available to power ONU-AP may vary. In order to mitigate the conventional limitations of grid-power supply, an off-grid FiWi network is considered, where the components of the network such as optical network units (ONUs) and IEEE 802.11 access points (APs) are powered using renewable sources of energy such as photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines along with batteries.

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    In this paper, we consider a fiber-wireless (FiWi) network consisting of 10-Gigabit-capable passive optical network (XG-PON) and wireless fidelity (WiFi).

    Fiwi links